Learn the one skill that will save you hours, and even your job.

Many data science pros will tell you: learning SQL was one of the best investments in their career, even though the language is basic and obtuse. See why so many developers become data pros in this 2-hour video tutorial featuring data from the Cassini mission.

Programmers love to abuse databases with their data access tools and then blame SQL 

It's something I've never understood: why do programmers hate SQL so much? Is it aesthetics? If so, I can understand that - SQL isn't terribly pretty to look at or to decipher... but the things that it can do are much more important.
Maybe it's the fact that learning SQL can be a chore - online course typically have you creating DVD stores and learning dry syntax rules that are boring and have absolutely no real-world applicability.
Or maybe it's just what they've heard or read, constantly, from other developers who are just perpetuating one of the most ridiculous ideas in computer science.

You can solve just about every data problem you have this weekend.

I won't try to convince you that SQL is awesome - it's not. It's an old, clunky language that's difficult to read and even harder to write given the strange syntax rules. But if you take just a weekend and learn it, your career will change forever. 

That's not hyperbole - it's happened to everyone who become the "database person" on their project. Programmer's fear of SQL pushes them to do absolutely anything to avoid dealing with SQL, which includes asking you to solve the problem they're having. 

Let them. It makes you extremely valuable.

SQL Skills Are Always In Demand

It might be hard to believe but SQL consistently ranks in the top 10 programming languages, even though it's not a programming language! It's ahead of languages like Go, Swift and Ruby - consistently! That's because SQL people are always needed!

People do horrible things with data and spreadsheets, introducing errors, bias and often data that's simply trash. Being able to "sense" these issues and then correct them can save your company millions of dollars, making you look like the badass you are.

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PostgreSQL Fundamentals

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